prof. RNDr. Michal Hejcman, Ph.D. et Ph.D.

Odborné zaměření:  Ekologie, environmentální archeologie, agroekosystémy
Místnost: CPTO 5.17, Telefon: +420 475 284 117,
Konzultační hodiny: středa 11.00 – 12.00, pátek 11.00 – 12.00
Researcher ID: GFA-6567-2022

Články v mezinárodních časopisech s IF:

Jungová M., Asare MO., Jurasová V., Hejcman M. (2022): Distribution of micro- (Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) and risk (Al, As, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Cd) elements in the organs of Rumex alpinus L. in the Alps and Krkonose Mountains. Plant and Soil. In press.

JUNGOVÁ, M., ASARE, M. O., JURASOVÁ, V., HEJCMAN, M. Distribution of micro- (Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) and risk (Al, As, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Cd) elements in the organs of Rumex alpinus L. in the Alps and Krkonoše Mountains. Plant and Soil, 2022, roč. neuveden, č. 477, s. 553-575.

ROUHANI, A., BRADÁK, B., MAKKI, M., ASHTIANI, B., HEJCMAN, M. Ecological risk assessment and human health risk exposure of heavy metal pollution in the soil around an open landfill site in a developing country (Khesht, Iran). Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2022, roč. 15, č. 1523, s. 1-13.
ASARE, M. O., HEJCMAN, M. Effect of tree species on the elemental composition of wood ashes and their fertilizer values on agricultural soils. Global change biology. Bioenergy, 2022, roč. 14, č. 12, s. 1321-1335.

JUNGOVÁ, M., ASARE, M. O., HEJCMAN, M., HAKL, J., PAVLŮ, V. Distribution and Resorption Efciency of Macroelements (N, P, K, Ca, and Mg) in Organs of Rumex alpinus L. in the Alps and the Giant (Krkonoše) Mountains. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2022.

PAVLŮ, L., POETSCH, E. M., PAVLŮ, V. V., TITĚRA, J., HEJCMAN, M., GAISLER, J., HOPKINS, A. The Admont Grassland Experiment: 70 years of fertilizer application and its effects on soil and vegetation properties in an alluvial meadow managed under a three-cut regime. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 808, 152081. DOI 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.152081.

ASARE MO., AFRIYIE OJ., HEJCMAN M., JUNGOVÁ M. Can wood ashes of commonly planted tree species in Ghana be applied as fertilizers? Waste and Biomass Valorization. 2021, roč. 13, č. 2, s. 1043-1058.

ASARE MO., AFRIYIE OJ., HEJCMAN M. Analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of Anthrosols-The case of former Bremen missionary’s settlement in Ghana. SOIL USE AND MANAGEMENT, 2020, roč. 36, č. 4, s. 1-15.

ASARE MO., ŠMEJDA V., HORÁK J., HOLODŇÁK P., ČERNÝ M., PAVLŮ V., HEJCMAN M. Human burials can affect soil elemental composition for millennia-analysis of necrosols from the Corded Ware Culture graveyard in the Czech Republic. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 2020, roč. 12, č. 11, s. 1-17.

ASARE MO., HORÁK J., ŠMEJDA L., JANOVSKÝ M., HEJCMAN M. A medieval hillfort as an island of extraordinary fertile Archaeological Dark Earth soil in the Czech Republic. European Journal of Soil Science. 2020, 72, s. 98–1130.

ASARE, M. O., ŠMEJDA, V., HORÁK, J., HOLODŇÁK, P., ČERNÝ, M., PAVLŮ, V., HEJCMAN, M. Human burials can affect soil elemental composition for millennia-analysis of necrosols from the Corded Ware Culture graveyard in the Czech Republic. Archaeological and Antropological Sciences. 2020, 12, 255.

TITĚRA, J., PAVLŮ, V. V., PAVLŮ, L., HEJCMAN, M., GAISLER, J., SCHELLBERG, J. Response of grassland vegetation composition to different fertilizer treatments recorded over ten years following 64 years of fertilizer applications in the Rengen Grassland Experiment. Applied Vegetation Science. 2020, 23: 417–427.

JANOVSKÝ, M., KARLÍK, P., HORÁK, J., ŠMEJDA, L., OPARE, M. O., BENEŠ, J., HEJCMAN, M. Historical land-use in an abandoned mountain village in the Czech Republic is reflected by the Mg, P, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Zr, and Sr content in contemporary soils. Catena. 2020, 187: 104347.

HLÍSNIKOVSKÝ, L., HEJCMAN, M., KUNZOVÁ, E., MENŠÍK, L. The effect of soil-climate conditions on yielding parameters, chemical composition and baking quality of ancient wheat species Triticum monococcum L., Triticum dicoccum Schrank and Triticum spelt L. in comparison with modern Triticum aestivum L. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2019, 65: 152–163.

HORÁK, J., JANOVSKÝ, M., HEJCMAN, M., ŠMEJDA, L., KLÍR, T. Soil geochemistry of medieval arable fields in Lovetin near Trest, Czech Republic. Catena. 2018. 162: 14–22.

HEJCMAN, M., ČEŠKOVÁ, M, PAVLŮ, V. Control of Molinia caerulea by cutting management on sub-alpine grassland. Flora. 2010, 205: 577–582.

HEJCMAN, M., DVOŘÁK, I., KOCIÁNOVÁ, M., PAVLŮ, V., NEŽERKOVÁ, P., VÍTEK, O., RAUCH, O., JENÍK, J. Snow depth and vegetation pattern in a late–melting snow–bed analyzed by GPS and GIS in the Giant Mountains, Czech Republic. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 2006,38: 90–98.

HEJCMAN, M., HEJCMANOVÁ, P., PAVLŮ, V., BENEŠ, J. Origin and history of grasslands in Central Europe – a review. Grass and Forage Science. 2013, 68: 345–363.

HEJCMAN, M., HEJCMANOVÁ, P., STEJSKALOVÁ, M., PAVLŮ, V. Nutritive value of winter collected annual twigs of main European woody species, mistletoe and ivy and its possible consequences for winter foddering of livestock in prehistory. The Holocene. 2014,24: 659–667.

HEJCMAN, M., HEJCMANOVÁ, P., PAVLŮ, V., THORHALLSDOTTIR, A. G. Forage quality of leaf fodder from the main woody species in Iceland and its potential use for livestock in the past and present. Grass and Forage Science. 2016,71: 649–658.

HEJCMAN, M., KARLÍK, P., ONDRÁČEK, J., KLÍR, T. Short-term medieval settlement activities irreversibly changed forest soils and vegetation in Central Europe. Ecosystems. 2013, 16, 652-663.

HEJCMAN, M., KLAUDISOVÁ, M., HEJCMANOVÁ, P., PAVLŮ, V., JONES, M. Expansion of Calamagrostis villosa in sub-alpine Nardus stricta grassland: Cessation of cutting management or high nitrogen deposition? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2009, 129: 91–96.

HEJCMAN, M., KLAUDISOVÁ, M., SCHELLBERG, J., HONSOVÁ, D. The Rengen Grassland Experiment: plant species composition after 64 years of fertilizer application. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2007, 122: 259–266.

HEJCMAN, M., ČEŠKOVÁ, M., SCHELLBERG, J., PÄTZOLD, S. The Rengen Grassland Experiment: effect of soil chemical properties on biomass production, plant species composition and species richness. Folia Geobotanica. 2010, 45: 125–142.

HEJCMAN, M., KLAUDISOVÁ, M., ŠTURSA, J., PAVLŮ, V., HAKL, J., SCHELLBERG, J., HEJCMANOVÁ, P., RAUCH, O., VACEK, S. Revisiting 37 years abandoned fertilizer experiment on Nardus grassland in the Czech Republic. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2007, 118: 231–236.

HEJCMAN, M., KŘIŠŤÁLOVÁ, V., ČERVENÁ, K., HRDLIČKOVÁ, J., PAVLŮ, V. Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium availability on mother plant size, seed production and germination ability of Rumex crispus. Weed Research. 2012,52: 260–268.

HEJCMAN, M., KUNZOVÁ, E. Sustainability of winter wheat production on sandy-loamy Cambisol in the Czech Republic: results from a long-term fertilizer and crop rotation experiment. Field Crops Research. 2010, 115: 191–199.

HEJCMAN, M., KUNZOVÁ, E., ŠREK, P. Sustainability of winter wheat production over 50 years of crop rotation and N, P and K fertilizer application on illimerized luvisol in the Czech Republic. Field Crops Research. 2012, 139: 30–38.

H index: 29

Citace WOS: 2309

Jungová M., Asare MO., Jurasová V., Hejcman M. (2022): Distribution of micro- (Fe, Zn, Cu, and Mn) and risk (Al, As, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Cd) elements in the organs of Rumex alpinus L. in the Alps and Krkonose Mountains. Plant and Soil. In press.

Pavlů L., Poetsch EM., Pavlů VV., Titěra J., Hejcman M., Gaisler J., Hopkins A. (2022): The Admont Grassland Experiment: 70 years of fertilizer application and its effects on soil and vegetation properties in an alluvial meadow managed under a three-cut regime. Science of the Total Environment 808, 152081.

Asare MO., Afriyie OJ., Hejcman M., Jungová M. (2021): Can wood ashes of commonly planted tree species in Ghana be applied as fertilizers? Waste and Biomass Valorization, 13: 1043 – 1058.

Řešené projekty:

GAČR 21-25440S Eneolithic long barrows in Bohemia and reconstruction of the ritual landscape around the hill of Říp (2021 – 2023), co-investigator

Vzdělání a odborný růst:


1994–1999 – obor: Geobotanika, specializace: ekologie rostlin, Jihočeská univerzita v Českých Budějovicích, Přírodovědecká fakulta, MSc., Mgr.

2003–2005 – obor: Ekologie, specializace: management travních porostů, rostlinná ekologie, environmentální politika, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Ph.D.

2008–2010 – obor: Botanika, specializace: Vliv aplikace hnojiv na fungování travních porostů, výživu rostlin, chemické vlastnosti půdy Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Ph.D.

2007 – obor: Ekologie, ČZU Paraha, doc.

2011 – obor: Ekologie, ČZU Praha, prof.

Odborný růst

2000–2003 – NP Krkonoše ve Vrchlabí, expert pro horské zemědělství, ekologii rostlin, soustavu NATURA 2000

2003–2005 – Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Katedra pícninářství a travníkářství, odborník pro ekologii a management travních porostů a zemědělskou historii.

2005–2022 – Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, Katedra ekologie, odborník na rostlinnou ekologii a management travních porostů, environmentální archeologii, agroekosystémy a pedologii, praktické využití elementární analýzy archeologických půd a sedimentů, výzkumný tým Studie lidské adaptability.

2022–dodnes – Univerzita Jana Evangelisty Purkyně v Ústí and Labem, Fakulta životního prostředí, Katedra životního prostředí, professor.

Aktualizováno ke dni 15.2.2023