Featured articles

4 / 5 / 2023

Electrocoagulation Treatment of Drinking Water

Electrocoagulation is a very interesting and promising method, which, in specific cases, can be used as an alternative route to the most common water treatment technology, so-called chemical coagulation. Electrocoagulation effectiveness and perspective...

13 / 3 / 2023

The growth of Miscanthus in marginal soils

The research on the possibilities of growing energy crop miscanthus in marginal (unsuitable for agriculture) soils at the Faculty of Environment has been carried out for several years. During that time, it has, among others, proven that this plant can ...

10 / 2 / 2023

How to identify human footprints on a geochemical map of soils?

Construction of geochemical maps of risk element concentrations in soils and finding places, where soils were contaminated by anthropogenic activities, can seem like routine tasks. However, the routine lies in only almost automated production of a colo...

18 / 1 / 2023

Dwarf tundra shrubs share past

In the Krkonoše Mountains there is a glacial relic of otherwise a very abundant woody species in the northern tundra, the dwarf shrub crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Although it is a very tiny shrub, it forms rings like trees. It is thus a witness to envi...

8 / 6 / 2022

Brownfield decontamination: case studies

The article deals with simple methods of groundwater decontamination from the vicinity of brownfield locations. Research has shown that the vast majority of contaminated water can easily be decontaminated by relatively cheap and simple methods in serie...

24 / 4 / 2022

Dechlorination during pyrolysis of plastics

Pyrolysis, classified as a tertiary (thermochemical) plastics recycling process, is currently promoted as an effective solution for recycling a wide range of plastic wastes. Although it is not a new technology, it is just now finding an economically su...

23 / 3 / 2022

How to start cooperating with nature?

Restoring Natural Forests as the Most Efficient Way to Water Quality and Abundance: Case Study from Želivka River Basin One of the old folk proverbs says: "Where there is a forest, there is water." A perceptive nature observer, the Austrian forester V...