Featured articles

18 / 9 / 2023

Pursuing virgin polymers through pyrolysis

Most plastics are currently recycled by mechanical recycling, i.e., melting and remolding plastic products. However, as plastics contain various additives, this process leads to their interaction and subsequent undesirable properties in the end product...

10 / 7 / 2023

The Jizera River change from the Late Holocene to the Present

Man has always needed water for his life and therefore settled near rivers. They have not only used the water resources, but have also changed them according to their needs. Old maps and aerial photographs show how rivers have changed their course over...

4 / 5 / 2023

Electrocoagulation Treatment of Drinking Water

Electrocoagulation is a very interesting and promising method, which, in specific cases, can be used as an alternative route to the most common water treatment technology, so-called chemical coagulation. Electrocoagulation effectiveness and perspective...

13 / 3 / 2023

The growth of Miscanthus in marginal soils

The research on the possibilities of growing energy crop miscanthus in marginal (unsuitable for agriculture) soils at the Faculty of Environment has been carried out for several years. During that time, it has, among others, proven that this plant can ...