The faculty is part of the NanoEnviCz research infrastructure (Nanomaterials and Nanotechnologies fo Environmental Protection and Sustainable Future) together fit five other research organizations. Further on, in cooperation with Healt Institute in Ústí nad Labem it runs the CADORAN center (Research Center for Toxic Substances in the Environment).
Full name: Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies for environment protection and sustainable future
Acronym: NanoEnviCz
Hosting institution:
• J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Partner institutions:
• Palacký University Olomouc
• Institute for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovations, Technical University of Liberec
• J.E. Purkyne University in Usti nad Labem
• Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
• Institute of Experimental Medicine, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
• Department of Genetic Ecotoxicology, Laboratory of Genetic Toxicology and Laboratory of Toxicogenomics,
WP1 Strategic management of RI
Administrative structure; Durable integration; Progressive restructuring; Performing communication platforms; Pooling of equipment and best practices; Protection of intellectual property; Exploitation strategy for results; Technology transfer to industry.
WP2 Science and knowledge transfer
Promoting the mobility of researchers, staff and students; Training people inside and outside the RI; Promotion of science and research; Bridging the multi-disciplinary gaps; E-platform.
WP3 Synthesis and design of new multifunctional nanomaterials
Conceptually new nanostructured materials with the potential for application in innovative technologies; Computer aided nanomaterials design; Low dimensional materials and their composites (carbon dots, nanotubes, graphene derivatives); Nanofibers; Magnetic hybrids; Metal and metal oxide NPs, Redox active nanomaterials; Nanomaterials for biomedical applications.
WP4 Heterogeneous catalysis for environmental protection
Nanomaterials for catalytic degradation of pollutants in water, soil and air; Nanostructured heterogeneous catalysts for abatement of pollutants from industrial processes and automotive transport; New “clean” catalytic processes for chemical production.
WP5 Novel nanomaterials and technologies for sustainable production
Processes and technology for sustainable energy and chemical production. Catalytic processes for transformation of natural gas to liquids; Nanomaterials for utilization of renewables; Magnetically separable green catalysts.
WP6 Effective photocatalytic technologies for degradation of polutants
Mastering nanomaterials for photocatalysis; Effective photocatalytic processes; Photovoltaic paints; Functional surfaces for environmental protection; Hybrid materials combining photocatalysts and heterogeneous catalysts; Thin photocatalytic films for direct solar splitting of water.
WP7 Nanotechnology for trapping and chemical degradation of pollutants
Nanomaterials for sorption; Reactive sorbents for degradation of pesticides and highly toxic agents; Degradation of chemical warfare agents; Analysis of filtering capabilities of nanomaterials; Elimination of radionuclides contamination; Modified nanofiber fiters; Advanced antimicrobial filters/membranes; Nanoiron for groundwater and waste water treatment; Ferrate(VI) technologies for nano-trapping of heavy metals and arsenic.
WP8 Sensing, monitoring and trapping of pollutants
Efficient sensing of pollutants; Biosensing by new devises; Application of new sensors in monitoring of pollutants; Magnetic sensors; Advanced electrochemical sensors; Graphene based nanosensors; Magnetically assisted SERS sensors.
WP9 Toxicity and risks of nanomaterials
Complete health risks environmental risks; „In vitro“ and „in vivo“ toxicity tests – cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, interactions with membrane; RNA gene expression changes and protein expression changes; Complete eco/aquatoxicity ecotoxicity evaluation; Toxicity against bacteria and fungi.
The RI will provide a platform for the efficient research and advanced applications of novel nanomaterials in these specified fields and will be ready to support the projects in basic research as well as in applied research in cooperation with industrial partners. The RI is designed as a complete service for users from academia and application areas opening access to unique equipment accompanied by recent knowledge and best practice combining state of the art methodology for the synthesis, structural characterization and application of nanomaterials.
The RI will strengthen the scientific and technological excellence in nanomaterials at the national and international level through the formation of durable integration and extension of the research capacities. The RI is thus dedicated to overcome the fragmentation of research by formation of closer and permanent links between still occasionally cooperating entities. As a result, we expect synergy benefits for the quality of research itself, and for technical and scientific education and technology transfer.
The creation of RI will provide service for well-focused research on the level well comparable to the leading actors worldwide with respect to the novelty, importance, quality and impact on the user community. The gathering the unique research instrumentation and the scientific excellence and expertise of the Czech research Institutions in the RI will create the critical multi-disciplinary competences necessary to design the next-generation of nanomaterials and nanotechnologies to promote the Czech economy and environmental sustainability. Owing to the complexity and combination of various approaches, the planned RI is highly relevant for the Czech research environment and inevitable for the accomplishment of priorities of the national strategies of support to R&D&I and for the competitiveness of the Czech science.